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Lívia Barts

Graphic designer, sketchnoter, visual researcher.

I have a background in humanities studies and in arts and design – and I am constantly searching for ways to combine the two, to support one with the other. For some years now I have been working as a graphic recorder and visual facilitator, where I could use drawing and design skills to strengthen communication, to summarize and highlight complex information, or to aid the structuring of a discussion in a consulting process. My favourite challenge as a designer is to create so called “one-pager” visual summaries of complex, lengthy, and often abstract contents, such as research and theory. And for a couple of years I was teaching a reading class at ELTE university, where we used an analogue (paper-based, hand-made and collaborative) text-visualization method to aid the comprehension of fairly abstract academic reading materials (mostly media, art, and film theory).

All in all, I like to draw, I like to think, and above all, I like to connect things and ideas that are often distant from each other.


SEE MY CV | bartslivi

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